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3 Linkedin Updates To Make Today | Recruit & Consult

LinkedIn: Three updates to make today

One of the most effective business networking tools in the world is LinkedIn. It is an incredible platform to connect you with dream jobs, companies that inspire you and keep you connected with colleagues past and present. LinkedIn is also a fantastic tool when used correctly to elevate your career and network. Keeping your profile page relevant and up to date is vital. This week on the blog, we wanted to share the top three things you should do today to update your LinkedIn profile. 

Current and professional profile photo
If you have had updated profiles shots taken at work or if your appearance has drastically changed then its time to update your photo so people can recognise you. There's no need to capture yourself from top to toe. A good rule of thumb would be your face should take up around 60% of the frame, and your shoulders should take up the rest. 

Update your skills
Make sure you are regularly updating the skills you have tagged on your profile. These are like magic when people are looking for someone with your “skills” or experience they can search by these, so it is essential to make sure they are up to date. Good skills examples for real estate would be; negotiation, Certificate of registration, business development.

Current job title and company
Make sure this is up to date so that your network is aware of what you are currently doing and where you are working. This is a way to be given a referral or approached about an opportunity that could boost your career.

LinkedIn: Three updates to make today