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Knowing When You Have Found The Right Candidate | Recruit & Consult

Knowing when you have found the right candidate

When you don’t recruit on a regular basis or if you have had a bad experience with a hire, it can be hard to know if a candidate you have met is too good to be true, or actually the person you should be hiring. As recruiters we meet hundreds of people every year, from all walks of life that have varying skill levels so it’s easy for us to spot a good from bad hire most of the time. I have put some telling signs below to use as a guide to assist you during your next hiring process.

Right from the get go they have had a positive attitude and an enthusiasm for not only the job but throughout the screening and interview process. This should have remained consistent and when you speak with or have met with the candidate you have had a positive feeling overall.

The confidence to communicate their skills, achievements, weaknesses and what they are looking for without needing to be overly prompted or guided.

Small things
The little things often showcase the most telling signs of a good fit from turning up to the interview on time, a polite and professional voicemail or phone manner, tidy presentation and politeness towards the Receptionist or other staff upon their arrival. 

These don’t need to be glowing they need to be realistic and honest, in order to highlight strengths and capabilities. The referee should be able to confidently advise what role they are suited best to and what management style suits the candidate so you can assess a culture and skill fit.  

Knowing when you have found the right candidate