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Am I Worth A Pay Rise | Recruit & Consult

Am I worth a pay rise?

Asking for a pay rise can be a nerve-racking conversation to have. But with some preparation and research, you will be more confident and set for salary increase success! Here are some tips to get you started on the salary discussion journey.

Salary comparison
Start by researching current salaries in your industry and then find ways to demonstrate your performance against this benchmark. Also, consider the current economic conditions and weigh up your workplace’s current economic position. There is probably no point asking for a pay rise when you know the company has recently laid off employees or has made cuts to spending.

Set up a face-to-face meeting
Most employers and managers will not be impressed by a Monday morning email asking for a pay rise. The best approach is to request a meeting dedicated to discussing your salary. Bringing up this topic in an unrelated forum or without notice may leave the other person feeling blindsided.

The salary discussion script
Be sure to open the meeting by thanking your employer or manager for meeting with you to discuss this important matter. Start the conversation with the positives about your role and highlight your achievements. This meeting needs to focus on the value your contribution has added to the business, and specific examples should be used with statistics, testimonials etc. Ensure you let your manager know how much you enjoy being a part of the team and how proud you are of your role in the organisation. Then it is time to cut to the chase and pose the request you are meeting about - a review of your current salary.

Post salary meeting
Your employer or manager will likely need to go away and think about your request or potentially even consult with other stakeholders and come back to you with a response. Don’t forget to send your employer or manager an email thanking them and include the important points discussed to summarise your request.

Turn a no into a maybe into a yes
If the answer to the request is no, don’t get upset. Ask if there is another way your hard work and achievements can be acknowledged, or ask what you need to do to get the requested salary. There may be an option for bonuses, time off or extra paid leave. Request another review again in three to six months. And always remember to be gracious in the face of defeat. Once a pay rise has been agreed upon, remember to get it in writing and details on when it will commence.

Preparation and research are essential! Practice the conversation you plan to have with your manager, with a trusted friend or a family member and have your list of achievements ready to refer to. Requesting a pay rise can be daunting, but remember, it is an excellent opportunity to highlight your value to the company and your role.

Am I worth a pay rise?