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How To Stand Out From Other Applicants | Recruit & Consult

How to stand out from other applicants

Job markets shift and change constantly. This can be the result of market disruptors, technology or policy changes as well as economic factors. Sometimes there are a plethora of jobs and not enough talent to meet the demand. Other times it swings in the opposite direction, where there are a high number of talented individuals all competing for a minimal amount of job vacancies.

Whatever the market, you need to work on what sets you apart so that you can stand out and position yourself for the job you want. Our advice for standing out in a talent rich and job poor market is as follows:

Be relevant
Stick to roles that match your skills and abilities. Shooting for the stars and having a scattergun approach to your work search will do you no favours it will work 100% against you. Be razor-sharp about exactly where you fit and what you should be realistically applying for to secure a job opportunity.

Whether you realise it or not, your attitude helps form every event in your life.In this instance, you need to be patient, gracious and positive about the feedback, rejection and/or opportunities that come your way. How you approach this is likely to be a deciding factor in the shortlisting process.

Follow instructions to the letter. If you are required to submit a cover letter and a resume, then do it. If you are required to follow up with a call in three days or send your referees in 24 hours make sure you stick to the instructions. The inability to follow these directives is where many candidates fail. Use it as an opportunity to shine and showcase how seriously you are taking the job search process. 

Be prepared
Do your research on the company and your interviewer, be on time to the interview, dress the part. Leave no stone unturned when it comes to being prepared from the moment you send your CV to when you walk out of a final interview.

Sell yourself
Focus on your achievements, the value you can add, and what is it about you that makes you the best person for the job. Take the time to work through these areas so you can confidently and accurately sell yourself to the interviewer.

How to stand out from other applicants