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Post Interview Thank You Email | Recruit & Consult

Post interview thank you email

Sharing how grateful you are for the opportunity to interview for a role is a great thing to do. It can help increase your chances of being selected and it can also help cement how eager you are about the opportunity to take on this role. Knowing what to say in that thank you email can be tricky, so we have put a guide together below to help you when writing your next thank you email post interview.

  • Select a subject line such as “Thank you” or Thank you for the opportunity”
  • Address the person you are emailing “Dear Sally”
  • Use the opening paragraph to thank them for the opportunity to interview
  • Refer back to the company and interview, along with a standout point from the interview about the role and how it made you feel
  • Summarise your suitability for the role
  • Let them know you are looking forward to hearing back from them and reconfirm your best contact number

If you don’t get a response to your email, don’t be pushy in the pursuit of a reply. People are busy and the email you have sent should be seen as an indication of your interest. Remember to send your thank you email within 24 hours of your interview and proof read it multiple times before you hit send.  

Post interview thank you email